The Dark Knight
After endless raving reviews and recommendations by close friends, I finally decided to give in and go see The Dark Knight. To be honest, I haven’t seen any of the recent comic blockbusters on the big screen (Ironman, Spiderman, Batman Begins) so it was a good chance to catch-up. Especially on a boring Sunday night and after having watched at home in the afternoon Pixar’s marvelous The Incredibles, I was all psyched up at the end for some action hero kick-ass scenes.
Sadly, as in most cases, yet again the critics and friends let me down with their taste. Where should I start? First, the movie was way (way way) too long. Why do all new blockbusters need to be 2 ½ hours long? We’re not paying entertainment by the hour ( I know better places for that :-) ).
Second, Christian Bale was just awful. And if his acting wasn’t bad enough, during the last hour he started speaking like Rocky (honestly, I was expecting him to shout Adrianneeeee). Thank god for Heath Ledger who was amazing in his role as Joker (that I will agree with the critics) and Aaron Eckhart as Harvey Dent (although Two-Face at the end was too superficial as a character and didn’t add much to the story line). The rest of the cast was merely ok, with Maggie Gyllenhall not convincing me as the woman to steal Batman’s heart (or anyone else’s for that matter).
But the biggest letdown was director/screenwriter Christopher Nolan, who created an endless storyline with weak ethical dilemmas and poor action scenes (they were way too confusing and always ended way too easily). Even worse, the end sequence of Batman vs Joker lacked total suspense or climax (I silently cheered for Joker but his final plan was so simple that portrayed him as a common fool). What a disappointment from a film that could have been so much more. At least we’ll always remember Ledger’s magnificent acting in surely the best Joker ever on the big (or small) screen.
PS. Here’s a real Batman action sequence from the past…watch and learn Nolan!!
Sadly, as in most cases, yet again the critics and friends let me down with their taste. Where should I start? First, the movie was way (way way) too long. Why do all new blockbusters need to be 2 ½ hours long? We’re not paying entertainment by the hour ( I know better places for that :-) ).
Second, Christian Bale was just awful. And if his acting wasn’t bad enough, during the last hour he started speaking like Rocky (honestly, I was expecting him to shout Adrianneeeee). Thank god for Heath Ledger who was amazing in his role as Joker (that I will agree with the critics) and Aaron Eckhart as Harvey Dent (although Two-Face at the end was too superficial as a character and didn’t add much to the story line). The rest of the cast was merely ok, with Maggie Gyllenhall not convincing me as the woman to steal Batman’s heart (or anyone else’s for that matter).
But the biggest letdown was director/screenwriter Christopher Nolan, who created an endless storyline with weak ethical dilemmas and poor action scenes (they were way too confusing and always ended way too easily). Even worse, the end sequence of Batman vs Joker lacked total suspense or climax (I silently cheered for Joker but his final plan was so simple that portrayed him as a common fool). What a disappointment from a film that could have been so much more. At least we’ll always remember Ledger’s magnificent acting in surely the best Joker ever on the big (or small) screen.
PS. Here’s a real Batman action sequence from the past…watch and learn Nolan!!
Που το θυμύθηκες ρε θηρίο?? Αξέχαστες τηλεοπτικές στιγμές!
Το 'Dark Knight' δεν το είδα ακόμη, αλλά λέω να πάω να το δω. Μόνο και μόνο για τον Λέτζερ
Αξίζει μόνο και γι'αυτό...απλά μην πας αργά (όπως εμείς που πήγαμε 11 και κατά τις 01.00 αρχίσαμε τα χασμουρητά....ή πάρε κανά φραπεδάκι αντί για μπύρες :-)
den eidame tin idia tainia mallon... egw to vrika eksairetiko...
e entaxei..ipokeimeniki mou apopsi...exallou sto sinema den eimai expert :-) (oxi oti eimai sti mousiki alla leme twra)