Winter Gloves are all About a Girl
How on earth did we miss this one? Our fellow blogger Zeugolator did warn us last year but we somehow still managed to oversee it. Winter Gloves are an indie band from Montreal that make incredible indie songs. Their debut About a Girl was released last year and should have been on our top list...but I guess it's never to late. Their track Invisible is just playing endlessly for the last couple of days and the rest of the album is equally briliant. Don't miss it (like we did)!
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Δισκάρα ολκής που θα έλεγε και ένας φίλος. Χαίρομαι που σου άρεσαν.
όντως...και παραλίγο να το βάλεις και στα τοπ πέρυσι...κανένα καλό φετινό που έχουμε χάσει;