Fated to pretend
I've been working extra hard lately. Deadline fever has kicked in and is already chipping on my out-stressed brains and the rest of my shipwrecked insides. Then, I stumble upon this song that proves to be quite a shock for me.
Have you ever felt like walking through scattered question marks, growing like plants out of the ground? Remember of time lost, energy sacrificed? I took a glimpse of faces, some loved / some hated, I remembered hastily-enjoyed weekends. false hopes; silly childhood dreams still haunting the present day. It was all here for me, The big picture wrapped up in a small package with shiny paper and heavy synth.
Have you ever felt like walking through scattered question marks, growing like plants out of the ground? Remember of time lost, energy sacrificed? I took a glimpse of faces, some loved / some hated, I remembered hastily-enjoyed weekends. false hopes; silly childhood dreams still haunting the present day. It was all here for me, The big picture wrapped up in a small package with shiny paper and heavy synth.
Really, life sometimes feels like a caleidoscope of phycedelic situations and images. So, yes this video is a placid description of daily life (esp if your drug of choice comes straight from the 60's).
Good choice for a Friday night at home...