Paranoid Park is the latest (2007) movie by legendary (to some) director Gus Van Sant. Following the same cinematographic path introduced in his experimental film Gerry back in 2002, Gus is continouing to explore the habits and mentality of today's youth. The film revolves around a teenage skater and his misadventours on a Saturday night-out in skateboard heaven. Paranoid Park blends different elements of modern-life and classical ancient drama (actions and consequences, remorse and atonement) through a slow-tempo narrative approach, filled with beautiful scenes, brightfull photography, super-8 style sequences and amateur actors. To those familiar with Gus' previous work, Paranoid Park offers a much more solid storyline, less experimental yet not too conventional directing style and a pleasant viewing in general. For newcomers, while much more accessable than previous films such as Elephant (2003), it will still not be as appealing as most maintsream movies out there.
Athens66 started off as a common project by a bunch of friends but quickly turned into almost a personal blog (although some remains of previous posts can still be found). Currently, the Team has been narrowed down to two members, who besides being old friends and schoolmates share the same joy for Music, Movies, Alcohol and Pro Evolution sessions.
The sole purpose of this blog is to shout out whatever comes in mind about movies, music, reality, fantasy and all the rest. Nothing posted here is to be taken seriously, but then again what is? Since this blog is still quite fresh, we are definitely open to suggestions and directions (although most of them will just be ignored)
If you want to recommend us a new group, advertise on our blog or just bitch about the things we post, just send us an email at martdnv [at] gmail [dot] com and we'll get in contact with you!
The content provided on this blog is for promotion purposes only. If you like the music, please support the artists and purchase the CDs of the music you like. Files should be deleted within 24 hours. Athens66 is not responsible for anything you may download. If you find any content that is violating the copyright law, please send us an email at martdnv [at] gmail [dot] com and the material will be removed.
Go on...
Athens66 Shoutbox
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The highly anticipated follow-up to Oracular Spectacular is here and free! Congratulations may not be groundbreaking, it may be a rip-off from old Bowie tracks, yet it's still quite fun.
Tunes of the Week
A few more songs for you this week. From Great Lake Swimmers to Pearly Gate Music. Enjoy!
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