Joan as Police Woman is the main project of Joan Wasser, who for years toured with and played for dozens of known artists, from Lou Reed to Rufus Wainwright and from Scissor Sisters to Jeff Buckley (her boyfriend at the time of his death) and Antony and the Johnsons. Actually, the first time I heard her music was in Anthony’s concert here in Athens back in July of 2006, when she played as support (a couple of months prior to releasing her debut album). It was instantly obvious from seeing her live that she will become the next big thing coming out of the new weird America scene (although she’s been in the scene more time than most other artists). Her music however is much more accessible than the rest of the gang, combing soul influences with folk and a touch of smooth 70’s.
Almost two years later and Wasser is releasing her sophomore album titled To Survive, coming out in a couple of days (June 10) although most of you will already heard her first single To be Loved. The record has a similar flow as her debut, with her beautiful voice making all the difference. The album is somewhat more uplifting than her previous one, flirting more with soul and jazz sounds this time than folk, without falling too much on the white girl soul revival era (Amy Winehouse, Duffy, Gabriella Cilmi, Adele). I guess her radio-friendly first single is the only song flirting with this revival (and to me one of her least interesting songs in the album). I rather prefer her seeking some new grounds instead of playing it safe. In Furious for example (which is my favorite on the album) she’s singing on top of a gorgeous bass line and against a piano, providing something unique. On the other hand in To America (her duet with Rufus) she is just repeating what we’ve heard in so many records in the last couple of years (her own, Rufus, Antony, Martha). To me, that is the real drawback to this album. I love Wasser’s voice and believe she can really produce great music but instead of pushing the boundaries, she is playing it too safe with half of the tracks in the album reproducing a known (wining) formula and only the rest giving us something fresh. It’s a real good effort, one most people will definitely enjoy and love, just not the masterpiece I know she is capable of…well at least not yet…
Εγώ δεν πρόλαβα να το ακούσω καθόλου αλλά στο live που αναφέρει ο big music δεν θα ξεχάσω πόσο λιώμα ήταν η Joan, πρέπει να είχε καπνίσει την μισή καλαμάτα, παρ' όλα αυτά ήταν εντυπωσιακή.
Athens66 started off as a common project by a bunch of friends but quickly turned into almost a personal blog (although some remains of previous posts can still be found). Currently, the Team has been narrowed down to two members, who besides being old friends and schoolmates share the same joy for Music, Movies, Alcohol and Pro Evolution sessions.
The sole purpose of this blog is to shout out whatever comes in mind about movies, music, reality, fantasy and all the rest. Nothing posted here is to be taken seriously, but then again what is? Since this blog is still quite fresh, we are definitely open to suggestions and directions (although most of them will just be ignored)
If you want to recommend us a new group, advertise on our blog or just bitch about the things we post, just send us an email at martdnv [at] gmail [dot] com and we'll get in contact with you!
The content provided on this blog is for promotion purposes only. If you like the music, please support the artists and purchase the CDs of the music you like. Files should be deleted within 24 hours. Athens66 is not responsible for anything you may download. If you find any content that is violating the copyright law, please send us an email at martdnv [at] gmail [dot] com and the material will be removed.
Go on...
Athens66 Shoutbox
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The highly anticipated follow-up to Oracular Spectacular is here and free! Congratulations may not be groundbreaking, it may be a rip-off from old Bowie tracks, yet it's still quite fun.
Tunes of the Week
A few more songs for you this week. From Great Lake Swimmers to Pearly Gate Music. Enjoy!
Ti wraio diskaki...
Magikes ermhneies gemates sunaisthima kai mia euxaristi melagxolia...
Thumamai xaraktiristika poso thetiki entupwsi mou prokalese otan tin eixa dei prin 2 xronia sto Theatro Vrachon support tote ston kurio Hegarty.
Δεν πρόλαβα να το ακούσω ολόκληρο, αλλά θα γίνει σύντομα
(όσο για την ανακαίνιση, μια χαρά το βλέπω το blog σου..ασε που έχω να περιποιηθώ το δικό μου ;))
Εγώ δεν πρόλαβα να το ακούσω καθόλου αλλά στο live που αναφέρει ο big music δεν θα ξεχάσω πόσο λιώμα ήταν η Joan, πρέπει να είχε καπνίσει την μισή καλαμάτα, παρ' όλα αυτά ήταν εντυπωσιακή.
Θα διαφωνήσω big music γι'αυτό που λες για την μελαγχολία.
Δεν είναι καθόλου ευχάριστη.... :)
ήταν όντως κομμάτια..το θυμάμαι...:-)