Little Fluffy Clouds over Athens66
So how do you know it's summer? Well, for most people it is the obvious heat that is making us crazy here in Athens. For others it's the numerous girls heading down to the beach to show off their tanned bodies. So how about the rest of us till driving to work everyday? It is the usual spot from Best Radio quoting The Orb's Little Fluffy Clouds! So, here it goes, dedicated to all of you (like us) still stack in your cubicle each day dreaming of those clouds...
Πωωω τι μου θύμισες πάλι...Είχα πάθει τρελό κόλλημα λέμε με το κομμάτι από τότε που βγήκε και για πολύ καιρό μετά. Ήταν must τα βράδια που έπαιζα musica τότε